Dear readers ,
I had the good fortune to talk with many of you and there really is a topic that always ends up being the center of human life , love.
We can start by saying that love is a powerful feeling able to alter our world, seems poetic but for this feeling many of you have wanted to conquer the world, overcome barriers or change your behaviour.
But dont forget in a relationship there are two persons and is based on: mutual respect and admiration , learning to share and the individuality of each member, to grow together and the commitment to care for the other, is to become friends, accomplices and partners and have a physical and spiritual connection that makes you one .
Many times we think we love the other person so much that no matter how bad things are, they will get better, but you cant forget that fights hurt, and a continuos war can destroy love.
God wants you to be happy , but you need to understand that to love, you have to love yourself, respect yourself, admire yourself and take care of you , how you look or how you feel is what you project to others, sometimes a few days apart help us understand what means love, remember do not blame, try to understand that we can achieve the fullness if we find that midpoint
This is a prayer for couples , I hope you like it:
Dear God ,
I thank you Father for being with your angels in my life, I am privileged to have found the love of ... name of your love one ... Please help me, I want to multiply this love , light my way to give the best of me , and open the channels for communication , please teach me not to judge and put myself in the other´s place, show me to forgive and forget , to give and accept love , to grow and to understand that each day together is a new opportunity .
November 08, 2013
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