Dear friend,If God will call you right now at his side would you be ready? , The truth, many people including myself would say that no, we still have much to do, in my case I would say that I have my family and they need me and I can not leave them alone , who will take care for them? , other people will say that they lacked time: to enjoy life, to say how much they love others , to dream and to realize those dreams.The angels want us to recapacite right now , and understand what really matter in life, it´s not wealth, it´s the seeds of love that we planted in the hearts of others , you can make a difference for someone , but many times we are so focused on our education and work that we forget what's important.
I once read one of those chains on the internet that told the story of a man who witnessed his funeral and then he saw his life without him, he had a heart attack from overwork and poor eating habits courtesy of his schedule at the office , in short the office immediately hired a replacement, he was someone useful to a business but he was not essential, meanwhile his family was sad , and wondered why they never spend so much time with dad.
NO, angels bless your work but they want you to enjoy also life, there is a point where we cross the line between necessity and personal ambition , that's part of human nature but not part of the Divine plan .
Your mission on this earth is to be happy, is to love and care for others and if the day-to- day responsibilities you are left alone and not made a home is time to think about it and start living .
If I ve been blessed with a family but do not spend time with them, right now is the best time to pay attention and enjoy your family a least some hours of the day , you need the money but your family is also important.
Finally if your case is that you had family but lost them because of the twists of fate , then it is urgent that you go out into the world and prove that you 're over it , and if you feel you have not gotten over, asks the angels to bring light to your heart and to teach you the way.
The angels are with you , waiting for you, to let them intervene and accompany you at all times , but you have to live each day as if it were your last one and you have to do everything that you've always wanted, you make the agenda, so start to shake the negative energy around you and decide to change .
I love to hear from you and if you feel that someone needs to read this article please share it .A hug ,Maia
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September 10, 2013
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